Five Minutes With… Jess Phillips MP

TEXT: A Cumberland Lodge podcast. Five Minutes With... Jess Phillips MP

In this episode of Five Minutes With…, we speak to Jess Phillips, MP for Birmingham Yardley, to find out what she thinks are the most important conversations we should be[…]

Five Minutes With… I. Stephanie Boyce

TEXT: A Cumberland Lodge podcast. Five Minutes With... Stephanie Boyce

In this episode of Five Minutes With… we are joined by I. Stephanie Boyce. Stephanie was the first person of colour to be President of the Law Society of England[…]

Five Minutes With… Ria Lina

TEXT: A Cumberland Lodge podcast. Five Minutes With... Ria Lina

In the first episode of Five Minutes With… we speak to comedian Ria Lina about what she thinks the most important conversations we can be having in society today are.[…]

Gross National Happiness: Life Perspectives Ep. 6

Life Perspectives from Cumberland Lodge

The sixth episode of the intergenerational podcast series from Cumberland Lodge. In this episode we are joined by Julia Buzan, PhD student in Psychology and Behavioural Science and the London[…]