Child Trafficking Practitioner Report Cumberland Lodge

Resource type: Video

The launch event of Practitioner Responses to Child Trafficking: Emerging Good Practice streamed live from central London on 11 April 2022.

The launch opened with introductory reflections from Dame Sara Thornton, Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, and Dr Ed Newell, Chief Executive, Cumberland Lodge. We then heard thoughts from the author of the report, Ailish Saker.

We were then joined by invited specialists for their comments on the report’s key themes and recommendations, chaired by Dame Sara Thornton. Our specialists included:

  • Patricia Durr – Chief Executive, ECPAT UK
  • Dr Carlene Firmin – Professor of Social Work, Durham University
  • Dr Paul Rigby – Lecturer in Social Work, University of Stirling

The report

Practitioner Responses to Child Trafficking: Emerging Good Practice draws from the expertise and experience of a multi-sector delegation of practitioners, academics, policymakers, and survivors who attended a two-day conference in October 2021, hosted by Cumberland Lodge and the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner.