Our new cohort programme on Strengthening the Rule of Law is now under way, with former Supreme Court President Baroness Hale among the guest speakers for the first workshop.
Working with partners Big Voice London, the College of Policing, and the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, the programme is aimed at students and those with early careers, or an interest, in law and law enforcement, to develop a deeper understanding of how laws are made, interpreted, contested and enforced.
The first of three workshops in the programme took place from 19-21 January, with a cohort of 24 delegates from the police, universities, and a range of commonwealth countries, focusing on how laws are made, the different legislatures across the Commonwealth, and how the Rule of Law applies to their constitutions.
Participants brought their own experiences into discussions, as well as learning from speakers from across the legal profession, including Lady Hale, barrister and Chair of BVL Steven Barrett, and legal scholar Dr Berihun Gebeye, as well as case studies covering immigration detention and LGBTQIA+ rights.

The cohort will return in February and April for additional workshops covering the role of the judiciary and the role of the police in the Rule of Law, with webinars taking place between each workshop to further dialogue and debate on how the Rule of Law can be supported and strengthened in different contexts.
Professor Melissa Butcher, Programme Director at Cumberland Lodge, said:
“Our workshops are designed to enable deep consideration and reflection on the concept of the Rule of Law and its implications for governance, economic functions, trust and accountability in society. Though these conversations, we hope to build a network of people who can strengthen and promote the Rule of Law globally.”