Social Cohesion Post-Lockdown: Dialogue & Debate

Recordings of our Dialogue & Debate webinar, live-streamed on 2 June 2021 at 11.00am

Resource type: Webinar

A recording of our Dialogue & Debate webinar, streamed live on Wednesday 2 June at 11.00am. Social Cohesion Post-Lockdown explores ideas and opportunities for supporting social cohesion as lockdown restrictions are lifted in the UK.

This hour-long, interactive discussion was hosted by our Chief Executive, Dr Ed Newell, with guest panellists, a live poll, and audience Q&A. Our three guest panellists were:

This webinar is part of our regular series of Dialogue & Debate webinars, which explore pressing issues of social cohesion in the UK with guest speakers from a range of sectors and perspectives.

Audio-only recording

If you prefer to listen back to this webinar, you can do so via our SoundCloud channel here, or search for our Dialogue & Debate series on any major podcasting platforms.